Who we are:
We are a group of believers actively ministering in Southern California and beyond for the past 45 years. During this time, and utilizing a Bible study method described in Chapter 3 of our workbook we have been able to identify the many omissions and errors hindering God's people.
Through this instruction we have been blessed to see a clearer reality of the Christian life and the path away from these problems. This instruction has likewise fueled our ministry and led to the creation of this site ...with the hope that it would edify the reader! This then is our objective: service to God, His Church and unbelievers: providing hope for Godly success in our time and the pleasure of our Heavenly Father. (1 Cor. 10:31)
What we do: In contrast to the passive "sharing" of today's evangelistic tradition, we continue to be "old school" in belief and practice. In this direction, we have stood to aggressively enlighten the lost and reprove the sins of our day in many varied circumstances following this instruction: "...what I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in the light: and what ye hear in the ear, THAT PREACH YE UPON THE HOUSETOPS!" (Matthew 10:27) So, our core objective through the years of our service has been to remain faithful to this simple command. In all this, our objective is to serve The Father as His Word teaches, most clearly exemplified by the faithful men within it ...and with the vigor His message demands. If you have an appreciation of this service...read on!_____________________________________________
Our statement of belief:
The virgin born, only begotten Son of God .
Crucified by the will of His Father for the sins of the world.
Risen by the power of His Father to be the hope of the world.
Designated, by this work, to be the only way to The Father.
Returning soon to Judge the world, fulfilling the eternal will of the Father!
So what about SALVATION
Entrance into the Kingdom of God is via the grace of God and repentance from dead works leading to faithful service and reward to come.
And what about THE BIBLE?
The error-free, final Word of God on all matters.
The 1611 King James Version preferred.
What is coming in ETERNITY?
A literal Heaven with rewards for "good and faithful servants."
A literal Hell with degrees of punishment for the unbelieving and lost.