Banner frame parts and construction details


Utilizing the newest digital ink-jet printing technology, these banners are made using a printing process that replaces the die-cut “stick-on” lettering type (see pictures). This new process produces a banner of much higher durability, with a greatly expanded range of options (like pictures, etc). It also results in a banner devoid of the seams and “pockets” needed to utilize both sides. These banners use “off the shelf” vinyl in stock sizes. Width sizes may vary some, so it will be necessary to contact your local sign shop to properly size the frame to the width of the banner material you will be using.


Frame parts:


    These plans utilize off the shelf  items, available in any hardware store. They include:

                Tools needed: Hacksaw, drill and bits, flat and round files, and screwdriver.


The Center pole:

Using the Hacksaw cut the Thin wall Conduit into 4 sections and clean up the cuts using the metal file, 3 of these sections will be used to carry the banner in a waist mounted belt pouch (for me at 6 Ft. tall, I cut them at 30” each, but they may be cut to any size to fit the person carrying the banner…short or tall). The fourth piece will be used as the ground extension to hold the banner when on the ground. 

Cut the doweling into 3 pieces aprox. 12” ea. And secure the 3 equal lengths into the Conduit with the 3 screws. (You will need to drill a hole in each piece of conduit and a pilot hole for the screw to secure to the doweling without splitting the wood)

The Banner frame:


Determine the width of the banner material to be used by consulting with your sign maker.  Cut the PVC pieces to fit into the fittings until you have successfully reached the overall size of the width of the banner material (you can “dry-fit” the parts till you get the right width, then glue them)

Note 1: If desired, you may want to “stiffen” the PVC on the bottom crossbar of the frame by inserting 2 more pieces of the ¾” doweling on either side of the ‘Cross”, securing them with a screw to allow the center pole to pass thru the “Cross”. The top crossbar could also be stiffened, but in my experience it’s not as necessary as the bottom.


Note 2: With some PVC  fittings there is sometimes a small shoulder inside which will not allow the center pole to slip through cleanly. If this is the case with the “Cross” on the bottom bar and “T” on the top bar, it will need to be filed out a bit using the round file to allow smooth passage.


Note 3: Be sure to position the “90’s” pictured on the top bar of the frame so they point upward to contain the banner

Once the bottom part of the frame is complete drill a couple of holes through the “End Caps” and secure the pieces of line.


The Banner


As stated, the banner itself is created using ink-jet printing. To cut costs (labor) we have set up a template on our computer to layout the banner text, which is then sent in an attachment (via e-mail) to the sign shop. The shop then inputs the file into their computer and prints the finished banner ready for pick up. Coordinating this process with your local sign shop makes it quick, easy and cheap to produce multiple banners or ones for specific occasions.



So that’s it!  Print up the banner, drape it over the frame, run the center pole thru the “Cross” and up into the “T”, secure the bottom of the banner thru the grommets using the nylon line ...put er’ up and git’ er’ done!


(For storage and speed of assembly I usually leave the banner rolled up and tied to the bottom crossbar and assemble it from there)


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